Suboxone Abuse


Suboxone abuse – If you are abusing Suboxone but you would like to quite, then we can help you. All you have to do is contact us by phone or visit us at our website.


Seattle Suboxone Withdrawal 'Best of the Best' Awarded to The Coleman

Filed under: addiction help with suboxone

Suboxone is a maintenance drug that was supposed to help someone wean themselves off of Heroin or other Opiates. The problem is that this drug is just as addictive as the drugs it's intended to help you recover from. What's worse, it can take up to 6 …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Opioid Overdose Focus of AMA/CDC Education Effort

Filed under: addiction help with suboxone

The Department of Health and Human Services announced Thursday that patients in U.S. addiction treatment programs will no longer have to wait a year to be eligible for therapy with buprenorphine (Suboxone). And next Wednesday, the American Medical …
Read more on MedPage Today