Free Rice – Play and Help the Starving – on


Free Rice – play and help the starving – on – FreeRice is a charity website where users play a vocabulary game in order to raise money to fight world hunger. ————————————- “What if just knowing what a word meant could help feed hungry people around the world? Well, at FreeRice it does . . . the totals have grown exponentially.” – Washington Post “Addictive, yes. But . . . each correct answer results in the donation of rice to help feed the hungry around the globe. Perhaps that qualifies the game as a good addiction . . . one with redeeming qualities, something that’s, oh, didactic and edifying.” – Kansas City Star “People from all walks of life and from around the globe have written in to express their appreciation for the game . . . Secretaries admit to playing it during boring business meetings.” – Christian Science Monitor “ is one of the most ingenious websites of 2007. In the best spirit of the Internet, it offers education, entertainment and a way to change the world ? all for free.” – Los Angeles Times “Web game provides rice for hungry . . . FreeRice went online in early October and has now raised 1 billion grains of rice [by November 9].” – BBC News “ is an international, viral sensation. Folks from Thailand to Germany and India are just as enthusiastic . . . improving thousands of lives, all with a simple, collective, click of a mouse.” – CBS Evening News “Every grain of rice is essential in the fight against hunger . . . FreeRice really hits home how the Web


Ask Mr. Know-It-All: Digging into the Boyardee story

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A: You'd have a morphine or opium addiction due to treatment of maladies suffered during battle. Q: Who … that at Timothy 6:10. Send your questions to Mr. Know-It-All at [email protected] or c/o Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.


Final goodbye: Roll call of some who died in 2012

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Longtime Penn State coach who won more games than anyone in major college football but was fired amid a child sex abuse scandal that scarred his reputation for winning with integrity. Jan. 22. Theo Angelopoulos, 76. Award-winning Greek filmmaker …
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Regular Marijuana Use by Teens Continues to be a Concern

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However, the documented use of non-cigarette tobacco products continues to be a concern," said Howard K. Koh, M.D., M.P.H., assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. "Preventing addiction includes helping kids …
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17 Responses to Free Rice – Play and Help the Starving – on

  • Jordan King says:

    you cant survive from just eating rice why don’t they donate something that has some nutrition?

  • Nagrathification says:

    Where’s? the site: freethreecoursemeal . com?

  • monkfunk3 says:

    So do they actually count out the specific number of rice grains or what?
    Its not that easy to give exactly 4,450 grains of rice on the dot 😛
    Still though, great concept! I love it? ^^

  • 777palena says:

    Only way to solve these problems is to SHARE by sharing we create justice and therefore Peace.?

  • donHooligan says:

    to send food to a population which has become too large for its landbase to support INSURES that there will be More starving people the following year.
    perpetuating famine, rather than addressing the problem, seems? more like a “bad karma-builder” than doing absolutely nothing. (to me, anyway)

  • M34sketosnakepit says:

    I read about it in a book when was at English school..I thought it just an unreal story for a book but now I am? starting playing this game..Needless to say it was a good idea of whoever made this site

  • 777palena says:

    Yes but if you are starving now! a shovel will not feed you,? so to me it’s bad karma not to act and share the resourses which belong to everyone,
    Share and Save the World.. says Maitreya

  • scoreslam says:

    @ninjaninja246? yeah

  • scoreslam says:

    @sunnillal yeah he should do it?

  • sunnillal says:

    this is soooo much more important. maybe justin bieber should sponsor free frice, then a million teenage girls will support it ;)? “HI IM JUSTIN BIEBER AND I LIKE VOCABULARY AND SAVING THE WORLD!”


  • OPTIMUS97420 says:

    Join our group on freerice: ‘Un sac de? riz pour la somalie’. 380 000 grains already collected during last 3 weeks, everybody’s welcome.?

  • cutiepa2te says:

    Get off of Youtube and get your butts? on Freerice!

  • RzXVeRSaTiiLe says:

    Im hispanic i eat 44560800 grains of rice? a day

  • Thantophobia1 says:

    Join my group, Owned. I’ve donated 151,940? grains of rice ALONE. Owned.

  • wolftreetree says:

    Only takes? a few minutes to earn 2500 grains of rice (enough to give a serving I figure). Who knows maybe in will help you spell a word correctly just when you need to.

  • CookieSherbert says:

    I play on this all the time – doing it now.?

  • Garil Nguyen says:

    Most viewed freerice promoting video :17,397
    Video of a 3 yrs old crying over justin? bieber: 20,978,939
    I just find it’s funny and sad at the same time

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