CTN Webinar: Practical Statistical Reasoning in Clinical Trials for Non-Statisticians.
CTN Webinar: Practical Statistical Reasoning in Clinical Trials for Non-Statisticians. – This two-hour webinar, produced by the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN) Clinical Coordinating Center for CTN members and the public, features a plain-English description of the intuition behind basic statistical concepts used in clinical trials. Its content requires no statistical background and aims to bridge the communication gap between researchers and biostatisticians. It does not teach how to perform statistical tasks; there are no formulas and no proofs. Instead, it explains why these statistical tasks are performed and what they mean once they are performed. This webinar is intended for CTN members and the public, especially non-statisticians with experience in clinical trials who seek a better understanding of statistical concepts encountered throughout the cycle of a clinical trial. Presented by Paul G. Wakim, PhD (NIDA Center for the Clinical Trials Network) and Abigail G. Matthews, PhD (CTN Data & Statistics Center, EMMES). For more resources related to this webinar, as well as other webinars in this series, visit: ctndisseminationlibrary.org
Thirteen killed in police shootout
Filed under: drug addiction statistics
The incident occurred two days after a drug-crazed former village official went on a shooting rampage, killing seven people and wounding 12 others, some of whom have life-threatening injuries. Rolando Bae was himself killed in a subsequent shootout …
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Lawmakers work to curb prescription drug abuse in Mass.
Filed under: drug addiction statistics
With prescription drug abuse on the rise in Massachusetts and across the U.S., officials are grappling with how to combat the epidemic on both a state and local level. Prescription drug abuse has become the nation's fastest growing …. The report …
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Alliance wages aggressive war on meth
Filed under: drug addiction statistics
“It's just about the only drug that I know of that you can ingest in any way,” said detective Steve Minich, Rajcan's partner in the Special Investigations/Narcotics Unit. “You can eat it, you can smoke it, you … The city accounted for 28 of the …
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