Addiction Recovery – Insanity to Serenity Book


Addiction Recovery – Insanity To Serenity book – Addiction recovery, an HD promotional video for the upcoming memoir written by author Tommi Lloyd about the struggle and the journey of recovery from addiction. Lloyd gives personal insight and reasoning behind writing and publishing this raw and engaging memoir. For more information and to purchase the hard copy or electronic copy of Insanity to Serenity visit


My gambling addiction epiphany

Filed under: addiction help books

One of the much-touted benefits of the addiction-as-disease model is that it helps mitigate these feelings, which are thought to stoke a fundamental psychological aspect of addictive behavior: The belief that you are damaged goods, that you don't …
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Fallen Presbyterian leader finds path to renewal

Filed under: addiction help books

He's traveled "what's called the longest distance in the world — the 18 inches from my head to my heart," Mulder wrote in a new book, Finding God: A Treasury of Conversion Stories (2012, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., $ 22). "It's like talking about …
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How To Buy the Perfect Business Gift

Filed under: addiction help books

It will have the flavor or essence of your personal brand and a hearty helping of an interest of theirs. Thus you are … “Jack, this book is a perfect intersection of your passion about contemporary art and my not-so-secret Hello Kitty addiction. Hope …
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