Christian Drug Rehab Offers Hope to Those in Distress From Addiction


Christian Drug Rehab Offers Hope To Those In Distress From Addiction – Christian Drug Rehab have enjoyed high success rate treating drug addiction and drug abuse because of the process of their treatment. A holistic approach has been proven to be more effect at treating substance addiction than traditional methods. Transformations Treatment Center is faith based treatment center offering rehab treatment for drug addictions and alcohol addictions. Transformations Treatment Centers is a Christian Rehab and has a holistic mindset when treating substance addiction and substance abuse.


BP's Bad News: Seven And A Half Things To Know

Filed under: christian drug rehab centers

Heard On The Tweets: @robdelaney: .@BarackObama It's worth looking into whether or not Lance's dad Neil used drugs to ride his space bike to the moon. Thank me later. #USA. @pattonoswalt: "Exeunt, buried under car park" — Shakespeare's RICHARD III, …
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State investigating possible insurance fraud by Narconon

Filed under: christian drug rehab centers

By Christian Boone. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Georgia Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens said his office is investigating a Norcross drug rehabilitation clinic that recently had its license revoked by the state. Narconon of Georgia stands …
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