Do You Know Any Drug Addiction Treatment Centers in Oakland, New Jersey?

Question by chris: Do you know any drug addiction treatment centers in Oakland, New Jersey?
Do you know where I can find a list of the different drug addiction treatment centers in Oakland, New Jersey? I’ve been looking for my cousin Jake for five months now. He left home and nobody knows where he went. Just recently, I heard from a friend that he is in an addiction treatment center somewhere in Oakland. I really want to find Jake. He’s like a brother to me. Any kind of help is appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Monica L
Hey Chris! I found a few helpful sites that might help you in that search for a drug addiction treatment center in Oakland. May I ask you something? Did you know about his addiction? I mean, he wouldn’t be in a treatment center if he’s not into drugs, right? I do wish you the best and I hope that Jake is doing well.

Add your own answer in the comments!



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