Does a Drug Rehabilitation Program Really Work?

Question by callista b: Does a drug rehabilitation program really work?
I have a neighbor who went to a drug rehabilitation center for a year, but he went back to doing drugs again after that. This just makes me think about whether those programs really work or not.

Best answer:

Answer by JD
I think with anything, wheel power is more powerful that any rehabilitabtion programs on the planet, i am a strong believer that rehabilitation programs help people that want to be helped. And that want to help themselves.

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Drug rehabilitation standards drawn up

Filed under: drug rehabilitation

National standards for residences offering rehabilitation programmes for people with drug, alcohol and gambling problems are expected to come into force next year. Justice Minister Chris Said explained that the standard would improve the level of …
Read more on Times of Malta


Russian anti-drugs crusader under growing pressure

Filed under: drug rehabilitation

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia's most outspoken and charismatic anti-drugs campaigner accused authorities on Tuesday of trying to close his rehabilitation center by falsely claiming it has abused patients. For more than a decade, businessman and art historian …


From Twitter:

RT @Mozzer_bot: “Music is like a drug, but there are no rehabilitation centres.” – by MayraGosling (Flash Delirium)


From Twitter:

RT @Mozzer_bot: “Music is like a drug, but there are no rehabilitation centres.” – by Fazer_Yo (Andy ‘)


From Twitter:

RT @Mozzer_bot: “Music is like a drug, but there are no rehabilitation centres.” – by Sheslostcntrol (pablo honey)