Drug Addiction Treatment CA


Drug Addiction Treatment CA – California Drug Addiction Treatment Speaker, Dr. Stein, was certified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine in 1996. Dr Stein, provides those afflicted with drug and alcohol addiction the professional medical opinion and insight of the holistic drug rehabilitation program. Dr. Stein gained his practical experience for his required hours to achieve Board Certification as a Santa Cruz County Medical Director working directly with the addicted. www.drugrehab.net


Report: Invest in Drug Treatment Instead of Punishment

Filed under: drug addiction treatment programs

Instead of throwing drug addicts in jail, the state should invest more money in substance abuse treatment, says a report issued Thursday by the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, which adds that the move could provide millions of dollars in savings and …
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Former Professional Player Chris Herren Partners with Nation's Largest Network

Filed under: drug addiction treatment programs

“CRC Health Group offers a comprehensive network of treatment facilities and programs nationwide and I look forward to working with them to make a difference in the lives of people struggling with substance abuse.” CRC also supports the message of …
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle (press release)


Treating drug addiction as illness is the way forward

Filed under: drug addiction treatment programs

The British Medical Association wants a debate about drugs use. It wants doctors' role in “preventing and reducing the harms associated with illicit drug use” to be examined, along with policies to control illicit drug use. We are, apparently, “ideally …
Read more on The Times (subscription)