Drug-Free ADHD Treatment Options : Reasons for a Drug-Free ADHD Treatment


Drug-Free ADHD Treatment Options : Reasons for a Drug-Free ADHD Treatment – There are many reasons why people choose a drug-free treatment for ADHD. Learn about the benefits of natural treatments in this free video clip from a medica…


Insidious: Heroin Deaths Increase Rapidly in Suburbs as Young People Fail to

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

And, dealers will often give it away for free because they know that after the first, second or third time, "they've got you hooked," said Dan Lustig of Haymarket Center, a substance abuse treatment center in Chicago. That Fateful First Time. Lustig …
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Exclusive: The Lariam scandal – MoD 'ignored decades of warnings about

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

Lariam was developed by the US Army in the 1970s, and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1989. It became a popular drug for preventing and treating malaria, but recent years have seen it become superceded by newer antimalarial …
Read more on The Independent


MJ's 'most private' secrets exposed in court

Filed under: free drug abuse treatment

Attorneys for AEG Live aired Michael Jackson's dirty laundry in court Wednesday, claiming that the superstar's years-long drug addiction is what ultimately killed him. “Mr. Jackson spent decades shopping for doctors to give … But AEG Live says it was …
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