Fetal Alcohol Syndrome & Spectrum Disorders / FAS FASD Video


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome & Spectrum Disorders / FAS FASD Video – Over 375000 newborn babies have been exposed to drugs in utero. The film promotes zero tolerance for alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and drugs for all pregnant women. This film describes the effects of exposure to alcohol and drugs on the fetus during pregnancy. The purpose is to promote awareness of the problem among teenagers who are at risk for both unplanned pregnancy and substance use. Medical experts offer information and mothers of drug-exposed babies share their stories. A foursome of engaging young people present an in-depth exploration of the growing problem of prenatal alcohol and other drug abuse. Produced in the stylish, fast-paced format popular with today’s teens, this gripping film take a serious, no-holds-barred look at what happens when pregnant women use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The film includes an examination of prenatal drug and alcohol abuse, fetal alcohol syndrome, nicotine’s effect on unborn babies, risks for AIDS, SIDS and FAS, drug effects at various stages of pregnancy, how drugs affect unborn babies and other relation social and emotional problems. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and a spectrum of associated disorders, sometimes called Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), is a permanent birth defect caused by maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. The term fetal alcohol effects (FAE) or alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) is applied to children whose mothers are known to have drunk heavily during pregnancy and



Filed under: drug abuse help centers for pregnant women

NAR-ANON: support group for families affected by the disease of ; 7 p.m., United Methodist Church, 175 S. Main Road, Mountain Top. …. POLE FITNESS: For women only at Balance Yoga & Wellness, 900 Rutter Ave., Forty Fort. … support and …
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Saturday State News Briefs: Fromer DOC agent admits drug addiction

Filed under: drug abuse help centers for pregnant women

WAUSAU – The attorney for a former state Department of Corrections probation agent says his client admits she has an addiction and is cooperating with authorities. Forty-one year old Kim Hoenisch has been … A Kronenwetter woman was found guilty of …
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Undeserving poor falling through the cracks in Indiana

Filed under: drug abuse help centers for pregnant women

The 34-year-old Indiana native has learning disabilities and endured a childhood of abuse. Relatives say … With or without food stamps, he has to scrounge for cash, selling plasma at a blood center twice a week for $ 30 a pop. "What's out … The …
Read more on NBCNews.com


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19 Responses to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome & Spectrum Disorders / FAS FASD Video

  • Alaina FASS says:

    check out our newest resource on FASD:


    let’s get people talking! FASD? is 100% preventable!

  • 7lovet says:

    we watched this video today which is august 26, 2011 and it was so sad . i am so happy i watched this video and when i grow up i? know to stay way from drugs when i am pregnant or when i am not

  • the11202271 says:

    donde puedo descargar? el video?

  • jaymorpheus11 says:

    Death penalty? for drinking while pregnant, no less!

  • Emblemz says:

    my girlfriend was drinking with my baby ( i broke up with her months ago) but the baby is 27 weeks now.

    when the baby is born, i will be there with the mother until it reaches an age where powder milk can take place.

    then im taking the baby with me and be? the proud, single, loving father most fathers wouldnt do for their child.

    now my question is, since a babys mind is like a sponge, would any of the effects really matter as long i teach them as a baby till he/she grows older?

  • TheAmclark7 says:

    First my mom had me at 60 then Im a pedophile and now Im a man? What do you sit at your computer waiting for a response because somebody is FINALLY noticing how in desperate need of help you are? Well hopefully I have satisfied your need for attention for? a little while.Why dont you use the internet to find a doctor then step away from the computer screen for awhile and find a life.
    Im sorry to let you know I wont be indulging you anymore,I think its making you a tad more psycho

  • xbearcanrockx says:

    I bet it makes you feel like? a really big man saying that over a screen.

  • TheAmclark7 says:

    you are very sick and need help…
    Please get help, you are sick. To randomly accuse someone of pedophilia is very serious and disgusting. Its not something to take lightly and the fact that you think it? is so nonchalant is what is disturbing.

  • xbearcanrockx says:

    and I feel very sorry that you? get worked up over something that a RANDOM PERSON says… on the internet. wow…

    It’s the internet. since when does what a random person says matters anyway???

  • TheAmclark7 says:

    Are you serious? You really cant read can you? Let me say this again in small words you MIGHT know… MY COUSIN (WHO IS 22) AND I SHARE? THE SAME EMAIL THUS HAVE THE SAME GOOGLE ACCOUNT I HELP HER WITH HER SCHOOL WORK IT MAKES IT EASIER FOR US TO WORK TOGETHER ON HER COLLEGE WEB PAGE!Making the accusation someone is a peophile is very serious and you are very disturbed.Seriously get some help you really are sick… I feel very sorry that your mental state is so disturbed.

  • xbearcanrockx says:

    you should learn not to be a pedo.

    your profile says you’re 22 years old.

    only a? pedo would sign up as an age younger than they really are.

  • TheAmclark7 says:

    Not to mention how would my mother be 60 when she HAD? me? Were is your logic in that? She passed when I was 25… maybe you should learn how to read and comprehend weirdo…

  • TheAmclark7 says:

    I’m not 22 you moron! I share an email with my cousin to monitor her school work,not that its any of your business. Not to mention how extremely creepy you are to stalk my profile. Man you really do need psychological help when you are stalking someone you don’t? know because they do not agree with your idiocy…
    What a weirdo…
    Get some help before you end up hurting someone or yourself…

  • xbearcanrockx says:

    you don’t even make sense
    if she died that long ago and you’re only 22 years old… then your mother must be 60 or older when? she had you
    WTF? that is fucken fucked up!

  • TheAmclark7 says:

    My mother passed 25 years after I was born.So, the likely hood that giving birth to me was the cause of her demise is slim to none.
    I pity you tremendously.It must be awful to be so pathetic and trashy.I have no clue how you even look at yourself daily…Why would you think? its normal to stoop so low? Must be some kind of inferior complex… you REALLY should seek professional help with that. Maybe after that you can learn how to show a little class instead of your ass…

  • TheAmclark7 says:

    r u an idiot?You think you can push your ideals onto people saying things like that?My mother didn’t drink a drop of alcohol,puff one cigarette,let alone do any illegal drugs in her life and still died of liver failure.So? I hate to inform you, even if you’re a saint you can still develop ANY illness someone who abuses drugs alcohol and tobacco.To say I’m high on my mothers ass crack really?What are you 10?
    Grow up,then proceed to comment…
    Ignorance is bliss,you must be ECSTATIC!

  • xbearcanrockx says:

    clearly you’re already high on your own? mother’s ass crack and can’t even read. I said the LAST 10 years of your life……. because of the long term effects. Lung cancer, liver disease, dead brain cells.. among other things. I don’t know about everyone else, but I DON’T SEE any joy, thrill or benefit from that.

    those activities are a choice, yes.. but unfortunately.. your stupidity wasn’t a choice -_-‘

  • TheAmclark7 says:

    Crack and Cocaine are 2 different drugs. What are they teaching kids these days???
    If you smoke you will die in ten years if you have a glass of wine? while you are pregnant your baby will have extreme defect….
    Come on people use some common sense if you have any…

  • Lisa Newberry says:

    i had FAS i was not a server case but i was also affected by smocking throw out the pregnancy i was born preemie size but i was not a preemie it affected me. I have dyslexia and a very hard time focusing i have fissile damage to i have a lazy eye and i had braces and corrective shoes. I was very lucky throw i got? out with next to nothing compared to some

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