How Can I Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in Elderton, Pennsylvania?

Question by aditi s: How can I find substance abuse treatment centers in Elderton, Pennsylvania?
I need to get more information regarding prescription drug abuse and I would like to find substance abuse treatment centers who are currently handling patients with such illness.

Best answer:

Answer by beatrice c
Well, finding substance abuse treatment centers happens to be fairly easy. I already did a search on the Internet, and I have found sites that may help you. Below are two links that you can use. You can also look through the local yellow pages or contact your local health services department to get more information. Good luck!

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Medications to combat drug addiction

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Three types of medication – two of them considered major advances in addiction treatment – may complement the behavioral therapies and support programs that help addicts. They are: Methadone … The combination is prescribed as a pill. It can be given …
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But because methadone is an opiate, like the drugs it is prescribed to treat, there is confusion among some doctors, child welfare workers and judges that using it is just substituting one drug for another, said Jocelyn Woods of the National Alliance …
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