Is Past Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Abuse Private?
Question by Rainy D: Is past treatment for drug and alcohol abuse private?
I’ve been accepted to LPN school and on the physical sheet they ask if I’ve ever been treated for drug or alcohol abuse. I really don’t want to reveal this, some people are very judgmental when it comes to that. But it says on the bottom that knowingly giving false information can result in dismissal to the program, I went to rehab 7 years ago. Shouldn’t this be my business? Do I have to reveal this?
If I answer yes can they take back my acceptance to the program?
Best answer:
Answer by Tink
This is something that a good lawyer should be able to answer in a phone call without a charge. Look for one that handles drug and alcohol charges. I believe that unless a legal charge was filed, that you don’t have to report it – but I wouldn’t swear to that under those circumstances.
Good luck
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Bradford Health Services – Secretiveness in Teens May Be a Sign of Alcohol or Drug Abuse.mp4 – Recovery Moments The teenage years are a challenging time for both teenagers and their parents. Teenagers, stuck between adulthood and childhood, must contend with a number of physical and psychological changes. Many attitudes and actions of your typical teen can resemble behavior that might signify substance abuse or a mental health issue. As part of asserting their independence, teenagers place a high premium on privacy…to the point of being secretive. Children who never thought to conceal much of anything from their families suddenly become very protective of their world and selective about what they share with their parents. This may or may not be indicative of a problem. Smell is one of the main things that give teenagers away when they’re abusing drugs or alcohol. If you smell smoke, alcohol, or drugs — whether it’s in their room or on their clothes — you have strong reason to be concerned. Thank you for watching this short video and taking the first step to build a solid foundation to recovery. A foundation built on knowledge, love and compassion. We want you, your family and friends to live a life free from addiction. A life full of Hope. Help is out there. Don’t miss the opportunity to reach out for help. Be prepared with the knowledge and a plan to change a life in an amazing and positive way. Click the link below to watch our other videos and learn more. For immediate help call Bradford Health Services 888.577.0012
Better game plan needed for addiction treatment
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New dorm being built in northern Hannibal
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From Twitter:
Substance Abuse Therapeutics Market to 2018 – Effective Drug Therapies in the Treatment of Alcohol and Opioid D #pr – by sbwirenews (SBWire News)
From Twitter:
Effective treatment deals with the multiple needs of the patient and not just the drug or alcohol abuse. – by BradfordHealth (Bradford Health )
From Twitter:
Understanding Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment – by mikaterez (Mika)