Is There a Possibility That a Drug User Passed the Drug Test?

Question by Dimple: is there a possibility that a drug user passed the drug test?
My cousin has a symptoms of a drug addiction such as loss of appetite, change in moods, stealing money, vomiting, change in his eyes. Even our neighbors are telling us to watch over him because his new friends are drug user. But last 3 months ago, he got a driver’s license and passed the drug testing.

Best answer:

Answer by jark
Yeah its possible, some drug test are a false positive and vise versa. the best way to find out is a tox screen at the hospital

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American College of Physicians

Filed under: symptoms of drug addiction

Prescription drug abuse is found throughout all aspects of the U.S. population and is a serious public health problem. Physicians and other health professionals with prescribing privileges are entrusted with the authority to use medications in the …
Read more on Annals of Internal Medicine


Gulf Breeze Recovery Offers New Program for Ending Addiction

Filed under: symptoms of drug addiction

Each year about two million people in the United States receive some form of treatment for substance abuse and addiction problems. Unfortunately, a high percentage of them relapse and require additional treatment as a result. While there may be many …
Read more on PR Web (press release)