Meet Brad Lyben


Meet Brad Lyben – Brad Lyben is the Director of Training at Best Drug Rehabilitation. He also does a fantastic job of hosting our graduation ceremony every week. Brad exemplif…


Judge puts off drug treatment for East Hartford robber

Filed under: drug rehabilitation

Wilfredo Rivera Jr. of East Hartford, who has two first-degree robbery convictions on his record, begged a judge this week for a chance at drug treatment. But Hartford Superior Court Judge Joan K. Alexander's answer was essentially: Not yet. Rivera, 36 …
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Drugs: Qatar and San Patrignano rehab centers sign accord

Filed under: drug rehabilitation

(ANSAmed) – DOHA, APRIL 29 – The Qatari Supreme Council on Health Care and the San Patrignano drug rehabilitation community in Italy signed an accord to cooperate on rehabilitation policies, drug abuse prevention, and research. ''Italy and Qatar have …
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