Nebraska Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center in Kearney


Nebraska Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center in Kearney – This video gives information about the services and programs provided at the Nebraska Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Center in Kearney.


College Basketball Capsules: NCAA puts Baylor on three years' probation

Filed under: Nebraska Drug Rehab Centers

The ensuing investigation uncovered NCAA violations, illegal tuition payments and unreported failed drug tests that led to the resignation of coach Dave Bliss, who was secretly recorded by an assistant coach of trying to persuade others to cover up …
Read more on Brownsville Herald


CFT: Arkansas tells Petrino to ride out of town

Filed under: Nebraska Drug Rehab Centers

Last month, police seized drugs and drug paraphernalia from Smith's apartment, which he shares with former PSU defensive end Jack Crawford. Neither were initially charged in the incident. According to a police report, a man was punched in an Okaloosa …


Zakaria: Incarceration nation

Filed under: Nebraska Drug Rehab Centers

Prisons run by private companys,inmates are profit centers.Law enforcement,lawers,judges,and the list goes on of of people who make money off ths war on drugs.Thats why it will not change,to much money at stake,not to mention control.
Read more on CNN (blog)