Racial Inequality in the Criminal Justice System


Racial Inequality in the Criminal Justice System – Fewer than 1 out of 100 Americans are imprisoned in the United States. But nearly one fourth of young black men are incarcerated in U.S. state and federal pr…


21 Responses to Racial Inequality in the Criminal Justice System

  • professorbland says:

    legalize, tax, and regulate all drugs, vices, and narcotics, and you starve
    organized crime of their operating budget. Create treatment colonies for
    addicts. If people want to use drugs, laws won’t stop them. And once
    they’re hooked, laws won’t stop them from coming back for more.

    the concept of personal responsibility has seemed to disappear from the
    culture of this country. America doesn’t have the guts to let people choose
    for themselves what they put in their bodies. ?

  • TakeshiAndTheKid says:

    if only you could take this reasoning and apply it to the rest of your
    videos you might understand the problem people have with american
    “libertarians”. it’s the same with your idea of economics – you might have
    the best of intents in maximise liberty, but structural inequality would
    get in the way.?

  • Mada7821 says:

    This is a good response I saw from someone else on facebook about this

    “How about a serious look at the problem – and address the breakdown of the
    family. If you looked at family background instead of race – I wonder what
    percentage of inmates came from single mother homes – we have seriously
    devalued the importance of the father in the home.”?

  • DeadlyHandle says:

    Live in a nicer neighborhood where the cops aren’t out for blood and there
    are people around to be a better influence on you and your children. Don’t
    say some people can’t afford it… a small town in a rural area is probably
    cheaper than some of those inner city places.

    Also keep enough money to lawyer up if you have to. Some small crimes
    don’t HAVE to = Prison time.

    But most importantly don’t do anything to get yourself arrested in the
    first place.?

  • John Lastich says:

    The truth is somewhere in between. Yes, uSA system is broken and did
    mistreated African Americans, but also Africans Americans are refusing to
    accept they have a lot of issues they need to fix within them selfs. All
    that gangsta culture, fatherless families, blaming whites for everything,
    dragging down their own if they got successful…btw, can you call ppl from
    Egypt,Libya,Morocco..African American? And can you call ppl from
    Iraq,Israel Saudi Arabia, India..Asian American??

  • Don Right says:

    prisons were built for blacks no one else. If you get caught with crack you
    get more time then a person caught with cocaine. Whites more prone to do
    cocaine blacks more prone to smoke crack. Blacks get double and triple the
    time that whites get for the same crime. Many times whites get probation or
    charges get dismissed because they have the resources to obtain a attorney
    unlike many blacks. 50 percent of prisoners are black, only 13 percent of
    the american population are black. Don’t know why people think white people
    don’t commit crimes like they Jesus or something there communities are
    heavily policied like black ones are. Traffic stops don’t turn into police
    shootouts with whites. The KKK got smart they took off them hoods and put
    on suits now there politicians, police, firemen, they work at your Wal Mart
    and target they’ll even hire black people to make it seem as though they
    aren’t bigots and racist. Prison is big business and black men are the
    commodity. You got black men serving 88 yr bids for having a gun and a
    couple hundred dollars of crack on them that’s asinine.?

  • John Lastich says:

    only in the USA black is almost like Ethnic Group. In the rest of the world
    black people are members of different nations(more then 50 countries in
    Africa). The same way you can be white in the USA but Polish, Greek,
    German, Serbian,Italian…btw what this”white” ppl who came here in
    100years have to do with the slavery??

  • John Lastich says:

    Poverty = crime = jail?

  • doctorw2 says:

    If you are black and live in America, the police are more prone to racially
    profile you and imprison you for even the most trivial of things. Whites
    get away with a lot of shit even the most heinous crimes are often given
    less jail time than the ones committed by blacks. ?

  • Tom Forsythe says:

    If bigotry puts people in jail, why are there so few Asians and Jews in

  • gamenode says:

    The greatest disparity in prison population is not based on race. It is
    based on gender.

    Women get a pass at every stage of the criminal justice process and if they
    manage to get to a point where they are convicted and sentenced they will
    receive a fraction of the time that a man who committed the same crime and
    with the same criminal background.?

  • Cynthia Ray says:

    You want to know what you can do about racial inequality in the Criminal
    Justice System. Get off your butt and volunteer in your community. And i
    dont just mean black people. I mean white people too. The system isnt
    racist. Humans are lazy. If you have a rich white boy who has done drugs
    but has the support network available through the stay at home parents,
    grandparents, ect to be able to make the judge confident that the problem
    can be handled with out prison time. That the hours of community service,
    parole, ect will be adhered to why should his life be thrown down the
    spiral going to prison leads to. We can fix this. We can keep these young
    black boys out of prison by Volunteering with Big Brothers and Big Sisters
    of America and other similar avenues. becoming counselors. family friends.
    taking these children and families and single mothers under our wings. give
    these families with budding trouble makers the support system they need to
    help these young kids get their lives back on track. The problem may have
    started out of racism but that is no longer the problem.
    Minorities are so quick to scream discrimination. Stop. please stop. you
    have done it for so long over so much that those who can do the most to
    help you are tired of it and want nothing to do with you. Stop it please.
    and those of you who are more concerned with watching the Living Dead every
    week. Get off your but. stop wasting time infront of the TV get out in your
    community and help. Please just help. Only in America could the American
    dream have gone to the point where we are lazy.?

  • randomActOfBlindness says:

    Go look at the national crime victimization survey. If you freed everyone
    incarcerated for drug crimes there would be a lot fewer people in prison,
    but the racial mix would hardly budge. Ultimately african americans and to
    a lesser extent hispanic americans commit crimes, both drug and violent, at
    a greater rate than whites or asians. That’s why they’re in prison more.?

  • Joshua Evans says:

    I don’t understand your argument in this video. You say that minorities are
    over represented in prisons because of “color blind” laws, and give an
    example of minorities benefiting from the drug trade over that of whites.
    That seems like an economic problem more than a race problem. It seems like
    what you’re saying is whites are immune to the temptation to make money by
    breaking the law, or maybe just have quotas for prisons, for every 1
    minority locked up you must lock up a white person. That argument makes no
    Think of it this way, if minorities could benefit from being hired as a
    hitman, which any poor person could no matter their race, would it be ok to
    just turn a blind eye to murder because blacks are over represented? Would
    you make the same defense, they had to because they were poor?
    The solution is not to take it easy on people that blatantly break the law,
    but rather fix the economic problem that those poor communities face, no
    matter their race.
    I believe that the start is to fix the home, morality has completely been
    disregarded, and single parent homes are at an all time high. Once a mother
    and father are part of the home it dramatically changes the odds for their
    children to have higher grades in school, go on to college and obtain a
    good future, but it starts with a return to morals.
    You cannot praise those that promote all forms of immorality and violence
    and expect a generation with successful values.?

  • KcooTheKid says:

    People don’t get into jail because of their skin color, they get into jail
    because of what choices they make.?

  • ZackServo says:

    I love how they’ve hidden the top voted comments on this video, SURE IS

  • Yogi Thedog says:

    Lets be brutally honest here. Young black males are more likely to commit
    crimes than young white males. That is the case in every part of the world.?

  • oberns says:

    I love how when the accusations of racism come, the empiricism we saw at
    the beginning somehow drifts away… Probably because there is 0 proof of
    this, and this is a very disappointing video?

  • Jonas Oblouk says:

    I find it amazing that most of these learn liberty videos get an
    over-whelming thumbs up, until they teach something that is not something
    most (whites) want to hear. The fact that black people are unequally and
    unfairly treated by the nature of the system itself and there is little
    political will to change it. Ron Paul also was an advocate for minorities,
    and blacks in particular, but he was marginalized by many including the
    very people of whom he was an advocate.?

  • solehass says:

    I agree that there is inequality in the criminal justice system but can
    someone tell me “where did the host get his data for these statistics?”?

  • Lauren Nixon says:

    Makes you think…?

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