addiction treatment

Drug Addiction Ontario CA | Detox Ontario CA | Treatment Center Ontario CA


Drug Addiction Ontario CA | Detox Ontario CA | Treatment Center Ontario CA – Detox Ontario utilizes safe and medically proven methods, providing a customized p…


Drug Court graduates thank program for success

Filed under: drug addiction treatment centers california

When we started adding increased treatment and community service work and increased drug screenings, that's what really started to keep our retention rates,” Thompson said. Raised by Hell's Angels in California and a drug addict since her teens, Boggs …
Read more on Hutchinson News


What Are the Treatments Available for Nicotine Addiction?

Question by ref_praveen: What are the treatments available for nicotine addiction?
Does the treatment really work? I know smoking is a lethal addiction and it is almost impossible to really quit it. So, I want to know various treatments to get rid of this addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by adam
The patches work well. I used them. But they didn’t help me mentally because I really enjoyed smoking. The taste, the feel of the smoke going into my lungs…I didn’t have any of that with the patch. You won’t have the physical withdrawals anyhow. Good luck. It’s tough. I still crave cigarettes every single day and it has been more than 10 years since I quit. If it weren’t for God, I’d be smoking right now.

Is It Time to Accept Socialism in America So That It Can Reset Itself?

Question by : Is it time to accept socialism in America so that it can reset itself?
Let it fail with socialism so that people can see that it won’t work. Then people will fight for their freedom, at which point it may be too late.

Best answer:

Answer by samsamskeyti
You realize the overwhelming majority of socialized nations are happier than we are?

We’d be too psyched after a decade of socialism to want to change.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



I Need Some Statistics on Addictions?

Question by Kassie: I need some statistics on addictions?
I would like to know what the stats are on addictions. Like what is the highest to lowest. There are so many addictions but I would have to guess, Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Sex, smoking, internet. Etc… what is more prevalent in our society today?

Best answer:

Answer by sajna

Give your answer to this question below!



Local New Jersey Drug Addiction Clinic Treatment Programs 1-855-602-5102 – Call 1-855-602-5102 for Drug Rehab Therapy In New Jersey and Nation Wide…




WOMENS ADDICTION TREATMENT ARIZONA WINR – We are the leading womens treatment center in the southwest, Winr’s premiere women’s program specializes in gender-specific holistic care. We have helped tho…


Happy Valentine's Day and National Condom Week from Planned Parenthood!

Filed under: drug abuse help centers for pregnant women

Nearly 20 million STIs and more than three million unintended pregnancies occur each year in the U.S. Condoms are the only form of contraception that also help reduce the risk of STIs. “It's important to remember that no matter what our age, we could …
Read more on eNews Park Forest

Alcohol Rehab Los Angeles CA


Alcohol Rehab Los Angeles CA – Do you want to control your alcohol usage and get back to your happy, normal life? Tired of the toll alcoholism has tak…


Survivor Spotlight: Overcoming Alcoholism

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

Urged by her doctor, psychiatrist and addictions specialist Joseph Beck, M.D., she voluntarily admitted herself to the four-week program at the Illinois Institute for Addictions Recovery at Ingalls (IIAR). The IIAR is a 16-bed adult addiction treatment …