addiction treatment

Ben S. Habilitat Hawaii, Long Term Substance Abuse Treatment Program


Ben S. Habilitat Hawaii, Long Term Substance Abuse Treatment Program – Ben came to Habilitat 4 months ago. He’s learning how to beat his addiction and make better choices. Ben came from Arizona to get help from Habilitat Hawaii….


AGE APPROPRIATE: Randolph Senior Center offers help with seniors

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs

Like every town in Massachusetts, Randolph has had to confront problems with drugs and alcohol. Per a Massachusetts report, 373 Randolph residents were admitted to treatment programs contracted by Massachusetts' Bureau of Substance Abuse Services …
Read more on Wicked Local- Randolph

Drug Rehab Center in Hawaii?

Question by : drug rehab center in Hawaii?
can anyone help me find a drug detox in Hawaii that takes med quest insurance?? i know there are some,just not sure what there called. anything would help. thanks!!!

Best answer:

Answer by askforadvice2009
(DASH)/Methadone Maintenance Drug Addiction Services of Hawaii Inc

Substance abuse treatment, detoxification and methadone maintenance and detox – outpatient programs for adolescents, persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, pregnant/postpartum women, women and men

Contact Email: [email protected]

Address: 1130 North Nimitz Highway
Suite C-302

Phone: (808) 538-0704


Looking for a Christian Rehabilitation Center for Drug Abuse?

Question by tury7177: looking for a Christian Rehabilitation Center for drug abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by Schleppy
I just typed “christian drug rehab” into the Yahoo search engine and it brought up a bunch of websites for different places around the country. Give it a try.

Christian counseling for drug abuse saved my brother’s life when other counselors had failed, so I wish you the same success. (He wasn’t even a Christian yet at the time, by the way.)

Add your own answer in the comments!



Is There Such Thing as a “Weekend Pass” for a Drug Treatment Center?

Question by bradpast: Is there such thing as a “Weekend Pass” for a Drug Treatment Center?
My friend called me after spending a week and a half in a drug treatment center and he tells me that he is out for the weekend. He says they gave him a ‘Weekend Pass’ for having a month of sobriety, when I know for sure that he was using right before he left for the center… Trust him???

Best answer:

Answer by Ron
I’m a recovered alcoholic who went into a drug/alcohol rehab centre in 2006, first of all alcoholics and drug addicts are the world’s best liars, and I think it’s extremely unlikely.

Delhi: Woman Helps Drug Abuse Patients Recuperate


Delhi: Woman helps drug abuse patients recuperate – Delhi’s Rekha Jhingan has been fighting the menace of drug abuse for the past 20 years after her own athlete husband took to drugs in 1991 and she didn’t hav…


Alcohol & Drug Rehab Portland Launches Updated Program To Help Individuals

Filed under: drug abuse help

Portland, OR (PRWEB) February 05, 2014. A Portland alcohol and drug rehab center is announcing that an updated program to help adults and adolescents end their drug addiction is now available through Drug Addiction Treatment Centers. Data from the …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Young Drug Abuse?

Question by Kate.L: Young drug abuse?
Young drug abuse is a serious proble nowadays in many countries, what are the reason for this and what can be done to combat it?

Best answer:

Answer by Jinjer S
Lack of self esteem, lack of self confidence. Feeling the only way to belong is do what everyone else is doing.

What do you think? Answer below!


With drug crackdown, LePage favoring enforcement over treatment

Filed under: drug abuse help treatment programs