addiction treatment

Drug Treatment Works, Illinois Advocates Say


Drug Treatment Works, Illinois Advocates Say – (Springfield, IL) –The estimated number of Illinois residents waiting for alcohol and drug abuse assessment and treatment at state-financed facilities in 20…


Obama remix is the best speech never delivered

Filed under: does drug abuse treatment work

By the end of this year, we will launch 436 sustained drug-treatment demonstration projects — one in each congressional district and in the District of Columbia. Each one will offer free or reduced-cost drug treatment. Yes, I said free — paid for by …
Read more on Statesman Journal

Chronic Pain and Drug Addiction…please Help.?

Question by Scooter: Chronic pain and drug addiction…please help.?
I have a friend whose son takes medication for a legitimate chronic pain. He is also, unfortunately addicited to several illicit drugs, and was already a heavy drinker when he was injured. Does anyone know of a treatment facility geared to handle drug addicition and pain management. Everything here has failed. The family doctor is concerned for his life.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
The pain medication is prescribed by a doctor and is absolutely neccessary. He is under the care of competant pain management. The problem is most treatment facilities are only set up to get the drugs out of you. They aren’t set up to try and determine which ones need to really stay in you. we need advanced drug and alchohol treatment combined with pain management.

Outpatient Drug Rehab at Michael’s House Treatment Center


Outpatient Drug Rehab at Michael’s House Treatment Center – It is possible to recover from co-occurring addiction and mental health issues, and Michael’s House Outpatient Center can help you or your loved one mend bro…


Gunman's doctor before rampage: 'No problem there'

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities in iowa

The dichotomy between Alexis' apparently even-keeled interactions with his doctors and the torment he was experiencing outside the hospitals is the center of debate about whether the Veterans Affairs Department could have better recognized the need to …

Why Drug Addiction Is So Huge in Ireland?

Question by YaroElf: Why Drug Addiction Is So Huge In Ireland?
Just simple curiosity…

I stumbled upon an article from some Irish website that claimed that in 2011 80% of

Irish drink beer daily or once in two days. An average pub crawl night for an Irish is 3L of beer or more.

Also it claimed that 50% of Northern Irish teens between ages 12-21 use illegal drugs daily

and consume 5+ beers each Friday.

What source did this information could be coming from? Is that even true?

Drug Abuse Among Teenagers?

Question by James73402: Drug Abuse Among Teenagers?
Just need a little help with my speech,
If someone can give me some info or some good websites that would be awesome = )
Also statistics would be good

Best answer:

Are Drug Abusers Being Taken Care of Even After They Finish the Treatment Program?

Question by Tommy: Are drug abusers being taken care of even after they finish the treatment program?
I’m just curious about how things are after life in rehab. See, my friend Jack is about to finish his ten-week treatment program for his addiction with cocaine. I’m really happy to hear the news from his parents that he’s doing just fine. I just want to know if the treatment programs are extended after he leaves the rehab. I mean, do they have programs or activities that help drug abusers to continue with the healing process? I just want my friend to recover from his addiction for good.