alcohol and drug abuse

Alcohol & Substance Abuse : About Alcohol-Related Crimes


Alcohol & Substance Abuse : About Alcohol-Related Crimes – A high percentage of people who commit crimes have some sort of tie to intoxication, alcohol abuse or dependency. Find out why alcohol abuse is often associa…


dna exclusive: Alcohol consumption all-time high among kids

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

Despite all the preventive measures and informative campaigns being circulated far and wide about alcohol and drug abuse, a survey released recently has revealed some startling facts. Of the 27 states and two Union territories where the survey was …
Read more on Daily News & Analysis

Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : Symptoms of Hallucinogens Addiction


Recognizing Alcohol & Drug Addiction : Symptoms of Hallucinogens Addiction – Discover the symptoms of hallucinogenic drug addiction in this free home health video Expert: rivrsurvivor Bio: John DePalma, born and raised in, Queens, NY,…


Sad Truths about Teen Suicide

Filed under: signs of drug addiction

Yet, according to the American Psychological Association, teen suicide is preventable, and they identify possible warning signs. They also note that more than 90 percent of suicide deaths are from mental illness and … Other teen suicide factors …
Read more on American Thinker

Are There Interventions for People Besides With Drug/ Alcohol Problems?

Question by michaelcs2003: Are there interventions for people besides with drug/ alcohol problems?
I am looking for resources for a friend who needs serious help with a life situation that doesn’t necessarily fit into the scope of alcohol/ drug abuse. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Jv13

there is interventions for
singles,people w depression,video game addicts..
(I can keep going on)

There is interventions for everything..

Add your own answer in the comments!



Is It Okay to Use Conditioning Treatment Twice a Week?

Question by Aryeah: Is it okay to use conditioning treatment twice a week?
I am planning on alternately using the Conditioning Treatment Wax and Extra Shine Treatment Wax interchangeably.

Additional info:
I have thick but recently relaxed Asian black hair. I will be applying bubble hair dye on it in a few days. Thanks in advance!

Best answer:

Answer by Beatles luver
yes unless ur hair is oily. idk abt Asian hair, but i don’t see why not. moisture is good.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



What Is the Best Way to Mend Relationships With Old Friends and an Ex?

Question by 11b: What is the best way to mend relationships with old friends and an ex?
Due to alcohol/drug abuse, I have lost many friends, plus an ex i dearly care about. Any ideas on the best way to mend relationships?

Best answer:

Answer by ?
First be at peace with yourself………then apologize if you have done a mistake and tell them that you want to renew your friendship.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



What Effect Does Alcohol and Drug Abuse Have on Teenagers?

Question by : What effect does alcohol and drug abuse have on teenagers?
Consider the ways that alcohol and other drugs abuse affect the teenagers

Best answer:

Answer by ceko
basically drop in school performances, grades, and unable to pay attention to certain matters, or think rationally….

Add your own answer in the comments!



Addiction Hotline — Drug Abuse Hotline for Parents – The Addiction Hotline was created to help Parents, Teens, Husbands and Wives, Friends or Family get help anytime day or night with one easy to use phone numb…