alcohol detox

Residential Psychiatric Treatment for Young Adults in New England?

Question by CQ: Residential psychiatric treatment for young adults in New England?
Treatment needed for an 18 year old suicidal girl with PTSD, anorexia/bulimia, drug and alcohol abuse, self-harm, depression, severe anxiety, and possibly borderline personality disorder.
Any suggestions of centers or hospitals in the Northeast, preferably in Massachusetts but not necessarily?
Thank you SO MUCH.
Yes, this is one girl, and she HAS been diagnosed with all of these things. The “possible BPD” is because one doctor thinks she has it and one thinks she doesn’t.

Best answer:

A Career Helping Others Overcoming Addiction Anti-Drug Video


Addiction Treatment San Francisco (415) 692-4344 Today for Different Programs


Addiction Treatment San Francisco (415) 692-4344 Today for Different Programs – Alcohol Detox San Francisco CA, are dedicated to drug and alcohol rehab, including detox San Francisco, counseling and after care. Alcohol Detox San Francisco CA 795 Folsom Street 1st Floor San Francisco, California 94107 (415) 692-4344


Leslie Kenton's Cura Romana® Weight Loss Program Announces Stunning End

Filed under: drug treatment programs in san francisco

What Is CBT and Why Some Drug Rehabs Use Is for Medication?

Question by destinee d: What is CBT and why some drug rehabs use is for medication?
Is CBT a kind of counseling or a medication? I’ve come across this term during my research on drug rehabs. Do you have some useful information that I can use for my search?

Best answer:

Answer by destiny n
CBT basically stands for Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. This treatment is use by drug and alcoholism treatment centers to help patients become more involved in the treatment process. Unlike regular counseling, a CBT is shorter since its aim is to produce stabilization and initial abstinence. I’ve provided you some links below to help you in your study. Good luck.

Drug Rehab Programs Williamson County Call 615-212-2548 for Help Now TN


Drug Rehab Programs Williamson County Call 615-212-2548 For Help Now TN – Drug Rehab Programs Williamson County Call 615-212-2548 For Help Now TN. If you are looking for Drug Detox Williamson County TN, Drug Treatment Williamson County TN, Drug Rehab Center Williamson County TN, Alcohol Rehab Williamson County TN, Drug and Alcohol Treatment Williamson County TN, Drug Intervention Williamson County TN, Alcohol Treatment Williamson County TN, Alcohol Detox Williamson County TN, then contact us. Drug Detox Williamson County TN offers trained counselors and holistic programs for long term physical, physiological, behavioral, social and spiritual recovery no matter if you or your loved one is suffering from drug, alcohol or cocaine addiction alcohol and detox programs.

Drug Treatment Charles County Call 301-755-9402 for Help Now MD


Drug Treatment Charles County Call 301-755-9402 For Help Now MD – Drug Treatment Charles County Call 301-755-9402 For Help Now For Help Now MD. If you are looking for Drug Detox Charles County MD, Drug Treatment Charles County MD, Drug Rehab Center Charles County MD, Alcohol Rehab Charles County MD, Drug and Alcohol Treatment Charles County MD, Drug Intervention Charles County MD, Alcohol Treatment Charles County MD, Alcohol Detox Charles County MD, then contact us. Drug Detox Charles County MD offers trained counselors and holistic programs for long term physical, physiological, behavioral, social and spiritual recovery no matter if you or your loved one is suffering from drug, alcohol or cocaine addiction alcohol and detox programs.