Do You Know Any Good Drugs/alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Southern England?
Question by Niraj G: Do you know any good drugs/alcohol rehabilitation centres in Southern England?
Best answer:
Answer by Arch Teryx
Antibuse is a drug that interferes with the body’s ability to metabolize alcohol. I think it inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase. A few mouthfuls of alcohol and you’ll be wretching your guts out.
Naltrxone is another drug that decreases the urge to have subsequent drinks. Both remedies are recommended to be used in conjunction with a support group.
What do you think? Answer below!
13. Is Treatment for Drug Addiction Effective?
13. Is treatment for drug addiction effective? – A video excerpt from a BSCS module entitled Drug Abuse, Addiction, and the Adolescent Brain. See the program tour for this module at…
Are Certain Types of Adolescents Prone to Drug Abuse?
Question by marie: are certain types of adolescents prone to drug abuse?
Are certain “types” of adolescents more prone to drug abuse than others?
I need websites or answers?
Best answer:
Reporting Drug Abuse?
Question by redcorn87: Reporting Drug Abuse?
Should I even report drug use if I know about it? I mean, do the cops care anymore?
Best answer:
Answer by [email protected]/semperfi!!
it has to be a really big case for anybody to notice
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Kauai Drug Abuse Treatment – Discover how to choose the best Kauai Drug Abuse Treatment center and Drug Rehab Addiction Center. This decision could…
CORPUS CHRISTI – the Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse of the Coastal Bend Is Holding
CORPUS CHRISTI – The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse of the Coastal Bend is holding – Fundraiser for Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse of Coastal Bend.
What Can I Do to Get a Job Starting in Drug Abuse Counseling Before I Get My Degree?
Question by ohiamlost2002: What can I do to get a job starting in drug abuse counseling before I get my degree?
Best answer:
Answer by Aut-Echo
probably depends on the type of service,eg-is it drug addiction counciling on a helpline,or for a residential and day service that courts force people to go to as well as voluntary?
will get more of a chance with working for the helplines,but that will help towards going towards a bigger job in addiction.