drug addicts

Drug Rehab Indianapolis Call 317-759-7314 for More Help Now


Drug Rehab Indianapolis Call 317-759-7314 For More Help Now – http://www.alcoholdrugrehabindianapolis.com. Drug Rehab Indianapolis Call 317-759-7314 Drug Rehab Indianapolis alcohol and detox treatment have Addiction ass…


Criminal code rewrite unfunded locally

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana

The goal is to get those low-level offenders – many of whom are drug abusers – into programs that offer treatment and intensive supervision that reduce the odds they'll commit another crime. “We're adding a 'smart on crime' element … Among other …
Read more on Kokomo Tribune


What Type of Education Would I Need to Become an RN at a Substance Abuse Detox Facility?

Question by Danyel: What type of education would I need to become an RN at a substance abuse detox facility?
I am currently going to school for pre-health with a nursing concentration, until I have the requirements to apply for nursing. I would like to be able to work as an RN in a substance abuse facility. I was wondering if anyone could give me any advise as to how to go about doing this? I do not know if I will need to specialize in a certain area in order to do so or not? If anyone could help me out in regards to what to do education wise I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

Drug Addiction : How to Spot a Cocaine Addict


Drug Addiction : How to Spot a Cocaine Addict – Spotting a cocaine addict is typically not very difficult and side effects such as irritability, anxiety and increased talking are easy to spot. Determine if…


Maine program to help children of drug addicts seeks to change culture

Filed under: drug addiction symptoms

“This is the population that tends … to be a higher cost to the state,” Don Lynch, spokesman for Families And Children Together, a Bangor-based agency, said of families struggling with drug abuse. If parents who are using drugs are taught … Trauma …
Read more on Bangor Daily News

Stop Drug Abuse Ad


Stop Drug Abuse Ad – Project in Health 4 H O N E S T Y Productions *We do not own any content of the music used in this video. No copyright infringement intended. For Educational…


Koop, who transformed surgeon general post, dies

Filed under: drug addiction in the philippines

In 1996, he rapped Republican presidential hopeful Bob Dole for suggesting that tobacco was not invariably addictive, saying Dole's comments "either exposed his abysmal lack of knowledge of nicotine addiction or his blind support of the tobacco …
Read more on WIS

What Measures Have Been Taken in the Past to Provide Rehab to Drug Users Through Governmental Funding?

Question by Lauren: What measures have been taken in the past to provide rehab to drug users through governmental funding?
One of my few issues with Barack Obama’s platform is a fraction of his stance on HIV/AIDS prevention. I don’t understand why he believes in funding a needle exchange for drug addicts instead of using the funding to establish rehab centers and treatment. To me, it seems like that plan of action is only encouraging drug use instead of trying to eliminate it. Have there been past governmental attempts or acts to do this prior to the “needle exchange” idea?

Drug Addiction Support


Drug Addiction Support – Drug addicts can attest to the horrible experience they have gone through to free themselves from the clutches of drug addiction, CJmjILt6Ml. It would be impossible for anyone to go through such unpleasant experience without the help and support of other people. Drug addiction support is important because it gives drug addicts the strength to overcome the disease and stay clean after receiving treatment. Drug addiction support comes in many forms, but all of them are equally crucial for lasting recovery. For More Info Visit : drug-addiction-support.com