drug treatment

Dr Wall’s Detox and Recovery Prep Program in St Helena California


Dr Wall’s Detox and Recovery Prep Program in St Helena California – http://AtHomeDrugTreatment.com Medical Drug Detox in Napa Valley with residential care when you want it. Sometimes you just need more attention and care in a…


Cogent Reports: Oncology Assistance Programs Build Loyalty Among Physicians

Filed under: drug treatment programs in san francisco

“Over time, this can lead to increased familiarity and additional prescriptions written for such drugs. Conversely, several HCPs indicated that if they experience problems or barriers gaining access to certain medications when … The study was …
Read more on Business Wire (press release)

Need a List of Drug-Alcohol Centers in Charlotte North Carolina?

Question by philmarie333: need a list of drug-alcohol centers in charlotte north carolina?

Best answer:

Answer by BradAusmusIsHot!
Looking for drug rehab and treatment centers in Charlotte , North Carolina? Please call 1-800-876-6378

North Carolina
Pavillon International Treatment and Renewal Center Mill Spring, NC
Recovery Ventures Western North Carolina
STEP ONE Substance Abuse Services Winston-Salem, North Carolina
The Chemical Dependency Center Charlotte, North Carolina
Wilmington Treatment Center Locations in North & South Carolina

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Helping people with mental illness

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

Is There Such Thing as a “Weekend Pass” for a Drug Treatment Center?

Question by bradpast: Is there such thing as a “Weekend Pass” for a Drug Treatment Center?
My friend called me after spending a week and a half in a drug treatment center and he tells me that he is out for the weekend. He says they gave him a ‘Weekend Pass’ for having a month of sobriety, when I know for sure that he was using right before he left for the center… Trust him???

Best answer:

Answer by Ron
I’m a recovered alcoholic who went into a drug/alcohol rehab centre in 2006, first of all alcoholics and drug addicts are the world’s best liars, and I think it’s extremely unlikely.

Alcohol Treatment | Drug Rehab Acworth


Alcohol Treatment | Drug Rehab Acworth – Thousands of people in Georgia struggle with drug and alcohol addiction every day. Don’t let substance about take over your life. The counselors at Drug Reha…


Inside the Beltway: Happy birthday, Ronald Reagan

Filed under: drug treatment centers in georgia

Nathan Deal of Georgia, Sean Parnell of Alaska and Bill Haslam of Tennessee, meanwhile, have all proclaimed Thursday to be “Ronald Reagan Day” in their states, noting in identical six-point proclamations that the president was “a man of humble …
Read more on Washington Times

Is This Type of Elected Official Someone Who Really Votes on Issues That Concern Global Warming?

Question by Pat: Is this type of elected official someone who really votes on issues that concern Global Warming?
Thanks for the laugh Cyclops!

Guam will tip over if too many people are on the island?

He grew up in Washington D.C. and was also an Associate Magistrate Judge for 10 years.


This just goes to show how uneducated our judges and politicians can be along with people’s intelligence on how they elect officials to our Government. Amazing!

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – Drug and Alcohol Rehab Clinic.mp4


Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – Drug and Alcohol Rehab Clinic.mp4 – Maryanne, an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) person in a major industry, talks with Larry Grezak of Brighton Center for Recovery in Michigan. Larry is an o…


Which Drug is Your State Most Addicted to? America's Drug Problem, Mapped

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

According to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), prescription drug abuse is the country's "fastest-growing drug problem" and has been classified as an epidemic by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The following findings …
Read more on PolicyMic