How to Get an Unwilling Person to Get Substance Abuse Treatment 1-855-602-5102
How to Get an Unwilling Person to get Substance Abuse Treatment 1-855-602-5102 – Call 1-855-602-5102 for Tactics and Information About Drug Abuse + Entering…
Methadone Formula Raises Overdose Concerns In BC
Filed under: drug abuse treatment statistics
Methadose—the name of the new drug— is being pitched as a "safer, more consistent treatment" for drug users to help withdrawal from substances such as heroin, morphine and oxycodone, the provincial government said in a news release. It has been …
Read more on Huffington Post Canada
Jane’s Addiction – Kansas City MO 5-27-09 – Part 4
Jane’s Addiction – Kansas City MO 5-27-09 – Part 4 – Description coming soon!
Rocky Mountain high: First retail pot shops in U.S. ready to open
Filed under: addiction help kansas city
Drug addiction experts from Colorado joined Kennedy, saying treatment centers in the state are already seeing more demand because of rising rates of teen marijuana use. And they said the drug is far more potent than a generation ago, increasing the …
Read more on Kansas City Star
Minn. man home after being held 9 months in UAE
What Do You Think of DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)? Does It Work or Not?
Question by youthadvocat20043: What do you think of DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)? Does it work or not?
I asked this a little while ago and need more responses. Thanks. DARE is supposed to keep kids off drugs and it is common in public schools.
If possible please give sources. I really appreciate the help so far. Thank you all. Keep it up please.
Best answer:
Answer by daisy
Yes at least they get informed of the dangers and they try to detour you from getting involved and peer pressure.VERY GOOD PROGRAM
What do you think? Answer below!
Is There Anyway to Make Kidney Function Better?
Question by Blah: Is there anyway to make kidney function better?
I am 18 years old im on dialisis and i have been for 1 year i havent been aproved for a transplant and i wont be without going through a bunch of other operations PLEASE if anyone has anyway or any idea how to make kidney function come back just a little please tell me i’ll try anything to not be sick anymore PLEASE HELP…..thank you ..Jc
Best answer:
What Are the Best Quit Smoking Sites That Really Help You Quit?
Question by totalbalance4u: What are the best Quit Smoking sites that really help you quit?
Dear quit smoking experts or better yet, ex-smokers, what are the best quit smoking sites that really support/help one quit this terrible addiction?
I’m highly motivated and am looking for the best support available to succeed, once and for all. Thx. in advance for you help.
Best answer:
Answer by fieldelson
I was a smoker for 45 years and I tried all kinds of quit smoking gimmicks.The only thing that worked for me was the Guts to try and the willpower to stick to it. It has been 15 months now,and some days are still hard to stay smoke free, but so far so good, give it a try and Good Luck,You can do it.
Is It True That Certain Prescriptions Can Lead to Gambling Addictions?
Question by Gary T: Is it true that certain prescriptions can lead to gambling addictions?
Ever since i was put on xanax and klondpin, things like that. I have devoloped a real bad gambling addiction that i didnt have before.
Best answer:
Answer by EvK
Hmmm, don’t know about xanax, but I haven’t had that problem on klonopin. Risperdal has been known to cause gambling problems. Talk to your pdoc.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Bullying law requirements lead to more investigations in Bernards Township
Filed under: gambling addiction help