new york times

How Can I Find a Psychiatrist in Mineola, NY Area That Does Addiction Treatment?

Question by B333: How can I find a psychiatrist in Mineola, NY area that does addiction treatment?
One of my good friends is currently depressed and she has recently picked up on the habit of using opiates to self-medicate. Her family feels helpless and has requested that I help them out. The thing is that she refuses to go to inpatient drug rehab, partially because she is not willing to give up work and school in order to go do inpatient. Another thing with her is that she is currently taking psychiatric medications, which have been prescribed to her a while ago, but she is no longer under a psychiatrists supervision to monitor the drugs and better treat her depression.

How Can I Help My Friends?

Question by Brandon S: how can i help my friends?
i have a couple friends who have some drug issues. i personally have none and im proud to help not do that stuff( if your in nebraska join no limits for the cause if your 13-18) i know i cant turn them in its a forcive addiction.
i am a no limits member

we are a group in nebraska that warns youth about the harmful affects of drugs alchohal and tobacco(mostly tobacco)

Clay Douglas Interviews Michael J Reznichek 1

