prescription drug

Has a Man Ever Taken Dilantin and Conceived a Child?

Question by sarah: Has a man ever taken dilantin and conceived a child?
We have been ttc for a while now and i read up on dilantin and it has infertility side effects. My husband takes 500mg a day for his epilepsy. He is going to the doc to see if they can change his meds.
Has any man taken this and conceived and how many milligrams were u taking at the time? Serious inquiries only please.

Best answer:

Answer by Nemrod Kedem

What Does It Mean When CPS Comes Twice in One Investigation?

Question by RachieRoo: What does it mean when CPS comes twice in one investigation?
Okay so far we’ve had a school visit with me, a counselor, and a case worker, then we had a house visit in the middle of a Sunday night and now they came but we weren’t home. My dad got a call saying they’d be back. When they came earlier they left a notice saying “the child” (me) can be taken at any time by CPS without a court order or parental consent. What does all this mean? We have also had a previous case before with them. My mom has a history of drug abuse and recently called a hotline in a prescription drug abuse rampage. Please help me. Am I being taken?

What Are Some Ways Society Can Prevent Drug Abuse?

Question by nycaypeh: What are some ways society can prevent drug abuse?
What are some ways society can prevent drug abuse among teens, and adults? How can we enforce laws to make sure that people stay away from drugs, and stay healthy? Any any answer will be appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by crazycolt1
One thing could be a 20 year mandatory sentence for drug dealing. 2nd offence the death penalty. No more plea bargains.

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Statistics of How Many Have a Drug Addictions in America?

Question by : statistics of how many have a drug addictions in america?
statistics of how many have a drug addictions in america ?

Best answer:

Merrimac – 5/25/12 Rehab Update


Merrimac – 5/25/12 Rehab Update


In heroin's grip: Overdose deaths expose Torrington's struggle with addiction

Filed under: drug rehabs in nh

Mary Kate Mason of the state Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services said her agency has seen a steady uptick in the number of heroin patients admitted into its drug rehabilitation program. Nearly a quarter of the 63,000 patients her agency …
Read more on New Haven Register


What Makes A Health Plan Obamacare-Compliant?

Filed under: drug rehabs in nh

What Would You Include in a Drug Abuse Powerpoint?

Question by XX: What would you include in a drug abuse powerpoint?
I’m doing a power point project for health and I need to know the general topics I should cover on drug abuse. I already have the effects of drug abuse and its effect on the brain.
Thanks xx

Best answer:

Answer by Sir
Wow. I have also done this project not long ago. What i included in my powerpoint was that what type of drugs are legal and what types aren’t, you can also compare some drugs. For example which of these drugs does more damage to your body and how it affects your body. One last thing is that, talk about around which age people start to using drugs, and how often.