substance abuse

AG Addresses Concerns Over Prescription Drug Abuse


AG addresses concerns over prescription drug abuse – Prescription painkiller abuse is on the rise in Kentucky, and Attorney General Jack Conway warns that one in five teens are using them recreationally.


Bill would allow use of cannabis oil to treat seizures

Filed under: drug addiction help in louisville ky

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) — A Louisville lawmaker says she wants more answers about the effects of medical marijuana. State Sen. Julie Denton (R-Louisville) has filed a bill that she hopes will clear the air. The bill would allow the state's research …
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Are There Any Low-Cost Drug Treatment Programs in Oregon?

Question by abbie f: Are there any low-cost drug treatment programs in Oregon?
My family is really low on cash at the moment, and I want to help my parents by finding a low-cost drug rehab center or drug treatment program for my younger brother who has gotten himself involved in drugs. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by beth e
I have included links below that you can check out. One has a list of centers affiliated with Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association. As far as I know, they can give grants to those who need it. You should call those centers and ask around. I hope you find a treatment center soon, and that your brother recovers form his addiction.

What Are the Effects of Parental Substance Abuse on the Family?

Question by Sharysse F: what are the effects of parental substance abuse on the family?
how can it lead to child abuse, juvenile delinquency,financial difficulties and what problems do th family face as a result.

Best answer:

Answer by starlight_940
Drug addiction is a chronic, progressive disorder. It is characterized by cycles of abuse, decreased use, relapse and more abuse. For an addicted parent, the day revolves around the
need to procure and use the drug of choice, and then to recover from its affects. Important activities — familial, social, occupational — are given up or reduced because of the substance abuse. For these parents, the responsibility to protect and sustain their children is less important than the parent’s need for the euphoria produced by the drug.

Pregnant, Abusive Relationship, Drug Addiction & No One to Talk To.?

Question by Jane: Pregnant, Abusive relationship, Drug addiction & No one to talk to.?
I am in the mess of a life time.

I am 7 months pregnant and have yet to be seen a doctor besides two short visits. I plan to go tomorrow. I have no insurance no job.

I am not pregnant with my current boyfriends child it is the child from someone i slept with right before we got together. The father is a crazy person hung up on conspiracy theory, is homeless and really thinks the government is trying to get him. He Is somewhere in California and i have no way to get in touch with him.

What Is a Good Thesis Statement Against Drug Abuse?

Question by Siera: what is a good thesis statement against drug abuse?
I am doing a persuasive essay concerning the impact that drug abuse has on addicts and close ones. I would appreciate any help. I really need a thesis statement to work around. Thank you for your time

Best answer:

Anti-Drug Abuse PSA


Anti-Drug Abuse PSA – Anti-Drug Abuse PSA.


Lewiston, Auburn schools tackle suicide, drug use

Filed under: drug abuse

In Androscoggin County, cigarette and alcohol use have come down over the years, said Lewiston schools Substance Abuse Coordinator/Counselor Vicky Wiegman, but "with marijuana, boy, do we have our hands full." "If I sit and ask any kid in Lewiston High …
Read more on Lewiston Sun Journal


Florida crime lab chemist arrested on charges of selling stolen drug evidence

Filed under: drug abuse