substance abuse

Alcohol & Substance Abuse : About Alcohol-Related Crimes


Alcohol & Substance Abuse : About Alcohol-Related Crimes – A high percentage of people who commit crimes have some sort of tie to intoxication, alcohol abuse or dependency. Find out why alcohol abuse is often associa…


dna exclusive: Alcohol consumption all-time high among kids

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse

Despite all the preventive measures and informative campaigns being circulated far and wide about alcohol and drug abuse, a survey released recently has revealed some startling facts. Of the 27 states and two Union territories where the survey was …
Read more on Daily News & Analysis

Mayor-Elect’s Daughter Reveals Drug Use


Mayor-elect’s daughter reveals drug use – Chiara de Blasio, daughter of New York Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, admits to dealing with substance abuse and depression.


Alcohol & Drug Rehab Edmonton Launches Program Aimed at Helping High

Filed under: drug addiction help substance abuse

Counselors and therapists with many years of experience in the field of substance abuse treatment and addiction can help make the transition from addiction to recovery easier. These rehab staff members can rely on their personal and professional …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Ben S. Habilitat Hawaii, Long Term Substance Abuse Treatment Program


Ben S. Habilitat Hawaii, Long Term Substance Abuse Treatment Program – Ben came to Habilitat from Louisiana. He has made huge strides in gaining control of his life and making better choices. It is possible to overcome your addi…


Editorial: Opiate Addiction; Public Health Crisis in Vermont

Filed under: drug abuse treatment programs

The governor reported that since 2000, Vermont has seen a 770 percent increase in treatment for opiate addiction, up to 4,300 people in 2012, and a 250 percent increase in the number of people receiving treatment for heroin addiction; that 80 percent …
Read more on Valley News

Does Anyone Know Any Programs or Grants in California to Help Get You Into a Rehab for Alcohol?

Question by Kaitlyn M: Does anyone know any programs or grants in california to help get you into a rehab for alcohol?
Im broke and have no credit for a loan and need help sap ad yet cant find anything cheaper than about 1500 a month which is really hard for me to do?

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What Is the Name of the Medication That Doctors Give to Patients to Get Rid of Drug Addictions Immediately?

Question by chris m: What is the name of the medication that doctors give to patients to get rid of drug addictions immediately?
What is the name of the medication that doctors give to patients to get rid of drug addictions immediately? I think I read this somewhere, that there was a patient who was in a coma from cocaine use, and the doctors gave him a medication to get rid of his addictions. The author was asking why doctors don’t give it out to all drug addicts. I was wondering what the name of the drug was, because I could possible do a good college paper on this topic. Thanks 🙂

What Are the Benefits of Substance Abuse Treatment?

Question by aubrie s: What are the benefits of substance abuse treatment?
I mean, aside from the fact that it would get to treat an individual and make him sober again. It’s just that addiction treatments cost so much that I was just wondering if it’s really worth it.

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