Will the Support of Friends and Family for Someone Undergoing Addiction Treatment Really Make a Difference?
Question by adamaris cm: Will the support of friends and family for someone undergoing addiction treatment really make a difference?
I have an uncle who is going to undergo rehabilitation to get himself treated for his drug addiction. The thing is, his family isn’t being supportive. Instead of being happy that he’s finally turning his life around, they’re complaining about the rehab fees. I was just wondering if it would be really better for him if his family is there to encourage and support him.
Best answer:
What Happens at a Drug Treatment Facility?
Question by wonderwoman: What happens at a drug treatment facility?
Someone I know just entered a New York State run drug rehabilitation facility. What happens while he is there? Will I be able to visit? When will he leave? If anyone is willing to share a personal experience I would greatly appreciate it.
Best answer:
Answer by cowboydoc
Call the clinic and ask them, not us. They probably have there own standards they meet and the patients have to meet them. Not all clinics have the same goals or the way they reach them, what is of concern to them. Call them.
Did Rush Limbaugh Hire the ACLU to Bail Him Out of an Illegal Prescription Drugs Addiction Case?
Question by abcd: Did Rush Limbaugh hire the ACLU to bail him out of an Illegal Prescription Drugs Addiction Case?
Did Rush Limbaugh hire the ACLU to bail him out of an Illegal Prescription Drugs Addiction Case?
Best answer:
Answer by Ingrid
I would not put that past him.
Add your own answer in the comments!
DeLand church to host workshop for recovering addicts
Filed under: prescription drug addiction help
The pastor of DeLand Bethel AME Church openly speaks of his struggle with substance abuse and has partnered with the nationally recognized Southeastern Institute on Chemical Dependency to host a “Recovery for the Community and Congregation” workshop …
Read more on Daytona Times
Can Anyone Give Me Books About Things Like Drug Abuse Etc?
Question by [email protected]: Can anyone give me books about things like drug abuse etc?
Books that cover subjects like drug abuse, teen sex, sexual abuse, abuse, suicide, drinking, etc?
I’m really interested in things like that for some reason.
I’ve read Crank, which I’m sure someone is bound to mention so I thought I’d throw that out there, and currently I’m reading Smack.
Best answer:
Answer by Yehudiit
A Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown
It’s her true story of drug abuse, prostiution, molestation, alcoholism and so much more.
I couldnt put it down.
University Hospital Innovating Care for Drug-Addicted Newborns (Part 2)
University Hospital innovating care for drug-addicted newborns (Part 2) – Kentucky is ground zero for a tragic epidemic. Hundreds of babies are now being born addicted to the drugs their mothers took while they were pregnant.
Archbishop Kurtz to President Obama: Provide Temporary Mandate Relief for …
Filed under: drug addiction help in louisville ky
… of Louisville, Ky., president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, asked President Barack Obama to temporarily exempt religious institutions from crippling fines if their insurance plans exclude sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs and …
Read more on National Catholic Register
Center Drug Treatment Florida (772) 337-8500
Center drug treatment Florida (772) 337-8500 – Call 772-337-8500 New Life Addiction Treatment Center: Center drug treatment, substance drug abuse, detox, chemical dependency, alcohol addiction help. Locat…
SIU med school didn't report resident's conduct to state
Filed under: drug treatment centers in florida
She added that she has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder stemming from the unfair treatment by Illinois officials. Cook, who was born in Alabama and grew up in Florida, completed her medical training at the University of New England …
Read more on The State Journal-Register