What Are the Effects of Quitting Cold Turkey After Years of Drug Abuse?

Question by whoa_its_courtney93: What are the effects of quitting cold turkey after years of drug abuse?
We are debating penalties for drug charges in my class. One complete christian kid keeps fighting the point that anyone caught with drugs should automatically be sentenced to 7 years in prison first offense…. so i argued that avid drug users or many years would die if all the sudden cut off from the drug they were using for many years. I know this is to do over compensation from the nervous system like in alcoholics. But i was wondering if anyone knew of a website that said this in very clear details because he doesnt seem to take what im saying seriously. i just want some good proof of what happens when people who have been using drugs for many years all the sudden go cold turkey.

Best answer:

Answer by lisa b
Look at the benefits instead of effects.

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Social Problems – Prescription Drug Abuse – Sociology 131 Social Problems Final – Michigan State University *No copyright infringement intended, I own nothing!*