What Would You Do if You Found Out Your Mother Using Drugs (Addictive)?

Question by nelli: what would you do if you found out your mother using drugs (addictive)?
but your mother would tell you, “you are just my daughter don’t tell me to stop what i love” honest please

Best answer:

Answer by granny
respect your mother.

Add your own answer in the comments!



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12 Responses to What Would You Do if You Found Out Your Mother Using Drugs (Addictive)?

  • bitch_90dde55 says:

    Just tell her that even though she thinks that way that you still have right to show your concern because she is your mother and you are her daughter and that you love her and she should listen to you if she loves you more than her drugs.

  • Friend_88 says:

    Go to a good Assemblies of God or Pentecostal Church, talk with the pastors wife and get them to pray for me and my family. It’s amazing what can happen!

  • hollyhearts says:

    I would try to get help for her and get another person to confront her.I think once she was off of it she would be thankful.This is such a hard situation so you need the advice of a proffesional,I think there are places to call but i’m not positive though as I’ve never had to ring.Good luck hun…

  • n-i-c says:

    Tough spot to be in. I’m very sorry. I can’t even imagine what I would do in your place or what is the right thing to do in your place.

    I know I would be intensly disappointed in her maybe even angry. She’s suppose to be a role model. She’s spending money on drugs (which will become more and more) when that money should be going towards your and the family’s well-being and future.

    Talk to someone who might be able to get you both some real help. No one should have to experience what you are.

    best of luck.

  • Brownie_baby says:

    There’s really no advice for that. You just have to try to be calm and encourage her to quit. Don’t worry yourself. Unfortunately, she’s probably going to do it anyway. You just make sure you keep doing the right thing. Everything will be fine

  • lacosteluver16 says:

    Ask what she loves more, the drugs or YOU…

  • sweet pea says:

    INTERVENTION they should be free of charge, there is a specific format to follow, you will not be alone. If you are interested in this then ask how or for info.

  • world_livin says:

    there’s no way you can make her stop just show her lots of concern that you really care and love her and maybe one day she will understand that as much as she is herding you she’s herding her self.Just let it be she’s addicted but maybe with lots of pressure from family and friends she could stop because that’s the people that care about her. I can tell you because I been there an if I changed it was for my self but as well as for family and friends to be happy.

  • prayingzigs says:

    This is a tuff one, personally I would talk to other family members for help. You could also report her to someone at your school, I know this sounds bad but if you are afraid for her this could save her life. Good luck and I will pray for you.

  • sam says:

    I would plea with her to join a program to stop the addiction. Next time she tells you that, ask her which does she love better, you or the drugs? Let her know that you love her but it is hurting you inside to watch her do something that could put her health and well being at risk. If you really can’t handle it, ask a family member can you stay with them but tell your mother first what you’re about to do and see what she says.

  • kyrracampbell says:

    my mom is addicted to pills.. she will take whatever she can get.. i am sooo sorry you have to deal with this. my mother hates when i go to her house.. i go through everything.. and take all her damn pills and flush them.. i have talked to her drs. to make sure they don’t perscribe her pills . i am actually quite a b!tch when it comes to my mother and her pills.. i call her on it all the time. she is now in therapy..

  • celticwoman1953 says:

    This must be very hard for you. Obviously your mother has a problem and is in denial. You may not be able to help her. She has to admit she has a problem as the first step to recovery. Until then there isn’t much you can do. Let her know you love her and that her behavior is unacceptable. Once you are an adult you are on more even footing with your parents. Clearly, she doesn’t like you telling her what to do. It’s important for you to educate yourself about drug addiction. To that end I did a search and found the following resources. I pray God will bless you and your mom, that she will realize she has a problem and accept help.

    Watershed Addiction Treatment Programs has a 24-hour helpline 1-800-861-1768. The even offer online live help. The second link will take you to their listing and explanation of Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol and Drug Abuse: mood swings, personality changes, defensiveness, overly emotional, overly sensitive, manipulative, strained communication, withdrawal from family activities, change in dress/friends, lack of self-discipline, apathy, school and work problems, anxious behavior and much more.

    Addictions Help Services also offers a toll-free number: (877) 554-7308. The third link is to their website.

    I hope this information is helpful to you.

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